Oskaloosa Water Board Agenda – September 10, 2018
Regular Meeting
September 10, 2018
4:00 PM
Location: 1208 South 7th St.
1. Approve Agenda.
2. Approve minutes of the August 9, 2018 regular meeting.
3. Approve invoices and Financial Statements.
4. Customer Forum.
5. Approve acceptance of the annual financial report for fiscal year 2017-2018 as prepared by Hunt and Associates, P.C.
6. Consideration and discussion of pay application #3 from Dave Schmitt Construction Company, Inc. for South D water main replacement.
7. Consideration and discussion of merit based pay scale for Oskaloosa Municipal Water Department employees.
8. Consideration and discussion of language for Oskaloosa City Code as it pertains to Oskaloosa Municipal Water Department operations.
9. Discussion of wastewater operations.
10. General Manager’s update.
11. Updates from members of the Board of Trustees.
12. Adjourn.