by Rep. Helena Hays Week 4 Week 4 of the 91st General Assembly has simply flown by. As the session continues on, weeks can blur together as we go to subcommittees, committees, and on to floor debate. This week brought with it a somberness that we will carry with us for some time. Our colleague, […]

by Senator Ken Rozenboom This week started off on a somber note as we mourned the loss of Rep. Martin Graber. We were sorry to hear the news of his sudden passing late last week. He was a valued member of the Iowa legislature, and he will be missed. Our hearts and prayers go out […]

DES MOINES— Today, Governor Kim Reynolds introduced legislation to incentivize continuum of care partnerships between child care centers and preschool providers to the Iowa House and Senate. Iowa currently ranks fifth in the nation (67%) for access to four-year-old preschool—nearly double the national average (35%). While preschool is widely available, some working families cannot participate […]

by Senator Adrian Dickey Happy Friday Senate District 44! Week four gaveled in with some sadness as the senate chamber took a moment of silence for Representative Martin Graber from Lee County. Martin was a friend and good colleague of mine, and my heart goes out to his family along with the many people who […]

by Senator Adrian Dickey Happy rainy Friday Senate District 44! This week started with visits from many of the school superintendents and school board members in SD 44. Understandably, they were in the capitol asking for increased funding for the next school year and to “make education spending a priority”. It bothers me to no […]

by Senator Ken Rozenboom Senate Republicans propose new funding for K-12 education Senate Republicans released our funding proposal for K-12 education for the 2025-26 school year this week. We are proposing a $235 million increase over last year, bringing the total funding for K-12 students from the state budget to $4.2 billion, and is the […]

Week 3 The week kicked off with the Prayer Rally for Life. Kristi Judkins, the Executive Director of Iowa Right to Life (pictured above), works with the Coalition of ProLife Leaders to plan the event. The event started with a documentary about physician assisted suicide called, “Fatal Flaws” and followed with a rally in the […]

January 29th, 2025 Nine Newly Elected Legislators Join Republican Legislative Interveners, Signaling Growing Support for Private Property Rights in Iowa Today, the Republican Legislative Interveners for Justice (RLIJ) announced the addition of nine newly elected legislators to their growing coalition. The group, which has been at the forefront of protecting private property rights and opposing […]

Coming soon: The 91st General Assembly January 3rd, 2025 It was less than two years ago that the above photo was captured just after I took my first vote on the House floor with both new and seasoned colleagues of mine. That vote was cast in record time – just short of two weeks from […]

DES MOINES – Senator Adrian Dickey, R-Packwood, was elected on Tuesday as an assistant majority leader by his colleagues for the 91st General Assembly. “With 35 members, four of them new, Senate Republicans have an even bigger supermajority than we had when we ended the legislative session. I am honored to be elected as an […]
Nov 15 2024 | Posted in
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