OSKALOOSA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Mission: Engaging ALL Students To Embrace The Power Of Learning Vision: Believe, Achieve, And Create With Pride GEORGE DAILY AUDITORIUM BOARD ROOM REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OCTOBER 9, 2018 6:00PM AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Approval of Agenda III. Welcome of Visitors and Public Comment IV. Reports, […]
WATER BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting October 9, 2018 4:00 PM Location: 1208 South 7th St. Agenda 1. Approve Agenda. 2. Approve minutes of the September 10, 2018 regular meeting. 3. Approve invoices and Financial Statements. 4. Customer Forum. 5. Consideration and discussion of pay application #4 from Dave Schmitt Construction Company, Inc. for South […]
OSKALOOSA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Mission: Engaging ALL Students To Embrace The Power Of Learning Vision: Believe, Achieve, And Create With Pride GEORGE DAILY AUDITORIUM BOARD ROOM ANNUAL & REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEPTEMBER 11, 2018 6:00PM AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Approval of Agenda III. Welcome of Visitors and Public Comment […]
WATER BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting September 10, 2018 4:00 PM Location: 1208 South 7th St. Agenda 1. Approve Agenda. 2. Approve minutes of the August 9, 2018 regular meeting. 3. Approve invoices and Financial Statements. 4. Customer Forum. 5. Approve acceptance of the annual financial report for fiscal year 2017-2018 as prepared by Hunt […]
The Mahaska County Board of Supervisors will meet in special session on Thursday, July 26, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in the Third floor conference room of the Mahaska County Courthouse, 106 South 1st Street, Oskaloosa, IA. 1. Approve agenda 2. Public Comments 3. Approve fireworks application * Co-Line Welding Inc. – August 4, 2018 4. […]
WATER BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting July 9, 2018 4:00 PM Location: 1208 South 7th St. Agenda 1. Oath of Office for newly appointed Board of Trustee member Brandon Strasser. 2. Approve Agenda. 3. Reorganization of the Board of Trustees. 4. Approve minutes of the June 11, 2018 regular meeting. 5. Approve invoices and Financial […]
Mission: Engaging ALL Students To Embrace The Power Of Learning Vision: Believe, Achieve, And Create With Pride GEORGE DAILY AUDITORIUM BOARD ROOM REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS JULY 10, 2018 6:00PM AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Approval of Agenda III. Welcome of visitors and Public Comment IV. Reports, Communications, Announcements Board Building […]
Mission: Engaging ALL Students To Embrace The Power Of Learning Vision: Believe, Achieve, And Create With Pride GEORGE DAILY AUDITORIUM BOARD ROOM REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS JUNE 12, 2018 6:00PM AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Public Comment 4. Reports a. Board b. Building & End of Year […]
Regular Meeting June 11, 2018 4:00 PM Location: 1208 South 7th St. Agenda 1. Approve Agenda. 2. Approve minutes of the May 14, 2018 regular meeting. 3. Approve invoices and Financial Statements. 4. Customer Forum. 5. Consideration and discussion of water meter reading contract with Van Wert Inc. 6. Consideration and discussion of wage rates […]
WATER BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting May 14, 2018 4:00 PM Location: 1208 South 7th St. Agenda 1. Approve Agenda. 2. Approve minutes of the April 11, 2018 regular meeting. 3. Approve invoices and Financial Statements. 4. Customer Forum. 5. Discussion of wastewater operations. 6. General Manager’s update. 7. Updates from members of the Board […]