Oskaloosa City Council Agenda – July 18th, 2022

City of Oskaloosa
City Council Meeting Regular Session
Council Chambers
City Hall, 220 S. Market Street
Oskaloosa, IA 52577

Call to Order and Roll Call – Monday, July 18, 2022, 6:00 P.M.

Invocation: Lifehouse Community Church


Pledge of Allegiance


Roll Call

___ Mayor David Krutzfeldt, Council Members:

___ Almond, ___Burnett, ___Caligiuri, ___ Comfort, ___Drost, ___ Hermsen, ___Ossian


Community Comments

This item is reserved to receive comments from the community for concerns whether or not they are included in the current agenda. The community is encouraged to speak before the Mayor and City Council and asked to keep statements brief. Time shall be limited to no more than three (3) minutes. Any questions are to be asked of the City staff, Council members, or the Mayor prior to speaking to the full Council so concerns may be properly researched and answered away from the meeting. Comments are to be directed to the Mayor and City Council only.

For those wishing to provide comment during the meeting, the Mayor will call for public comment.


Consider Adoption of Consent Agenda As Presented or Amended

All items appearing on the Consent Agenda are considered routine by the City Council and shall be enacted by one motion. If discussion is desired, that item shall be removed, discussed separately, and approved by a separate motion of the City Council.

Consider approval of Council Agenda and Minutes, subject to corrections (Consent Agenda)

Consider approval of Council Agenda and Minutes, subject to corrections.  (Consent Agenda)

1.  July 18, 2022 City Council Agenda

2.  July 5, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes


Consider approval of liquor license applications. (Consent Agenda)

Who is submitting this item.
City Clerk/Finance Department

Consider approval of payment of $60,708.88 to Van Maanen Electric for services completed on the Early Childhood Education and Recreation Center. (Consent Agenda)

Who is submitting this item.
City Manager’s Office

Consider a motion authorizing submittal of a grant application to the Walter L. McQuiston Trust and acceptance and appropriation of funds if awarded. (Consent Agenda)

Who is submitting this item.
City Manager’s Office

Consider a motion authorizing submittal of a grant application on behalf of the Historic Preservation Commission to the Golden Goose Club for Paradise Block marker signs, and acceptance and appropriation of funds upon award. (Consent Agenda)

Who is submitting this item.
Development Services Department

Consider a resolution adopting the city of Oskaloosa revised position description. (Consent Agenda)

Who is submitting this item.
City Manager’s Office

Consider a resolution affirming a contract with Mahaska Insulation, LLC for the 2023 Sidewalk Improvements-Active Transportation Plan (Consent Agenda).

Who is submitting this item.
Public Works Department

Consider a resolution approving a professional services agreement with Simmering-Cory for services related to a Community Development Block Grant application. (Consent Agenda)

Who is submitting this item.
Public Works Department

Consider a resolution setting a public hearing for August 15, 2022 for levying a special assessment for a nuisance abatement at 511 South 1st in accordance with Oskaloosa Municipal Code 8.08.080 (CONSENT AGENDA)

Who is submitting this item.
Fire Department

Consider a resolution scheduling a public hearing on August 15, 2022 for vacation and sale of the 120 foot by 16.5 foot section of the east-west alley adjacent to 408 South B Street. (CONSENT AGENDA)

Who is submitting this item.
Public Works Department

Consider a resolution scheduling a public hearing on August 15, 2022 for vacation and sale of the 60 foot by 16.5 foot section of the east-west alley adjacent to 804 5th Avenue East. (CONSENT AGENDA)

Who is submitting this item.
Public Works Department

——————– End of Consent Agenda ——————–


Regular Agenda

The following agenda items require specific action by the City Council:

Consider a resolution for levying a special assessment for a nuisance abatement at 713 3rd Avenue East in accordance with Oskaloosa Municipal Code 8.08.080. (PUBLIC HEARING)

Who is submitting this item.
Fire Department

Annual report on Oskaloosa’s Rental Housing Inspection Program

Who is submitting this item.
Development Services Department

Code Enforcement Quarterly Report

Who is submitting this item.
Fire Department

Consider an ordinance amending Oskaloosa Municipal Code Chapter 10.24 – “Stop and Yield Requirements” – 1st Reading.

Who is submitting this item.
Public Works Department

Report on items from City staff

This item is reserved to receive reports from the following:

a) City Manager

b) City Clerk

c) City Attorney


Quarterly City Council information and reports from council members serving on Boards and Commissions

This item is reserved to receive reports from the Mayor and City Council. This is an opportunity for members of the Council to provide updates on activities, events, or items of note to the public. This is also the opportunity for the Council to request future agenda items, or request items to be sent to a study session meeting for review and discussion.


If you require special accommodations, please contact the city manager’s office at least 24 hour prior to the meeting at 641.673.9431.

Posted by on Jul 16 2022. Filed under Agendas and Minutes. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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