Mahaska County Supervisors For March 20th, 2023
This meeting may be found at the following live stream link:
In addition to this meeting being live-streamed, there will be available an audio-conferencing option for constituents to comment during public comments and any public hearing.
Audio conferencing number: 319-382-2695Conference ID:835 841 015#
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1.Approve agenda
2.Public CommentsJordan Wood
3.Approve March 16 minutes
4.ConsiderCourthouse HVAC bids from Christner Contracting, Inc. and AMC Mechanical Group for HVAC system.
5.Review of bids and possible award of contract for the G29 concrete overlay project, project number LFM-C062(03)—7X-62
6.Consideration and possible approval to set the date, time and location to take bids for the concrete paving project on 275thStreet and Merino Avenue, project number L-2023(03)—73-62.
7.Discuss information from Koopmans Law Firm, LLCand Belin McCormick related to legislative proposals.
8.Committee Reports
9.Public Comments