A response to a recent commentary in Osky Herald about Democratic attacks on Romney

Osky News

Editors Note: The views and opinions expressed in this editorial are not necessarily the views or opinions of Osky News. Letter to the Editor Guidelines.

I agree with one statement from a recent commentary in the Herald that the media and the rest of us should focus on real issues instead of trivia.

The writer claims that the insistence on seeing Mitt Romney’s tax returns is a mere distraction from actual issues. Yet, in his argument he returns to the worn out, useless distraction of the birth certificate.

The birth certificate was a useful distraction for Republicans that stopped people and the media from noting that the Republicans had mastered the idea of the filibuster but were incapable of producing ideas or having reasonable debate. Mitt Romney merely has to release his tax returns and then we can get back to issues. He merely has to let us know how much he made, how much he paid in taxes and his sources of income. It is reasonable. Since Mr. Romney is running on his economic prowess, his tax returns become fair game for examination.

The author attempts to blame the President for the high unemployment rate. When the president took office he inherited a weak economy with poor prospects. He inherited a system that cut taxes significantly for the rich (but did save me $100 a year) while government expenses had been dramatically increased by President Bush. The president has been forced to work with Republicans who would veto their own stay of execution, if it meant compromising with Democrats.

President Obama eventually dealt with the distractions caused by birthers by releasing his birth certificate. Will Mitt Romney deal with the distractions in a similar manner by releasing his taxes and
let us get back to the issues?

Richard Vogel

Posted by on Aug 19 2012. Filed under Editorial. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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