Osky News readership highlights

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Anyone that owns a website that keeps track of their visitors knows it’s easy to understand why they call it the World Wide Web. Osky News is no different.

Some interesting info about who reads and visits Osky News.

Currently we have just over 600 unique readers a day to the website, give or take a hundred or so on any given day. They read on average 2,100 pages per day. Our readers are 73% female with the age group of 25 to 34 our largest age group. The 35 to 44 age group is right there as well, and our 45 to 54 age group is in the tight race being the 3rd largest age group. The age groups are male and female combined.

In our short 5 months we can say the story of our town has traveled around the world and made it’s way to all 7 continents. Yep even Antarctica. (Thank you Mr. Jones!)

So, on those 7 continents we have had visitors from 68 foreign countries. 1,865 cities world wide with 1,599 of them being in the U.S. territories. 216 cities and towns in Iowa alone. Every state in the United States has had visitors to Osky News, along with the District of Columbia.

Some notable visitors have come from the Iowa Legislature, U.S. House of Representatives,  United States Senate, US Courts, Ames Laboratory, Canadian House of Commons,  Democratic National Headquarters, many state and city governments as well as libraries, state and private colleges and universities.

Those that may not own a website could possibly be shocked to understand the impact that even such a small site as Osky News is in the grand expanse that is the web can make, and can help make our area more global and visible to new people and business. It gives an opportunity for our standout students to be seen and in some cases heard by those at other schools, or, our manufacturing, businesses or retailers to be seen by far more than those that live within 50 miles of Oskaloosa.

As the future continues to creep up on us all, the web will continue to dominate when and how we find our information. Making sure that Oskaloosa is seen in a positive light to the rest of the world is a huge responsibility and one we take with great care.

Happy New Years to all our readers around the world.

-Osky News

Posted by on Dec 31 2010. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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