Mahaska Hospice Auxiliary Board Invites Community to Share the Love Event to Support Hospice Care

8th Annual Share the Love Event

8th Annual Share the Love Event

The Mahaska Hospice Auxiliary Board is excited to invite the community to the 8th Annual Share the Love Event! This year’s event will take place Saturday, February 8th, 2025, at Serenity House in Oskaloosa, IA, featuring a drive-thru take out dinner from Catered 2 U, a gemstone pendant necklace raffle from Gardner-Collier Jewelry, and an online auction.

The drive thru take-out dinner will be catered by Cater 2 U. Pick-up will be 4:30PM – 6:30PM at Mahaska Health Hospice Serenity House. Dinner tickets are $25 Adult and $10 Child. Dinner & Raffle tickets are available from Mahaska Health Hospice Auxiliary Members, Hospice Serenity House, and Gardner Collier Jewelry, Oskaloosa.

Share the Love event proceeds benefit the Mahaska Health Hospice Serenity House to enhance the quality of life for the friends, family, and community members of Oskaloosa and the Southeast Iowa Region. Mahaska Health, generous community members, and businesses have covered the expenses of the event so that individual participation makes the greatest influence possible. The event’s food, auction, and raffle items are sponsored, making it possible for 100% of the profits to support the Mahaska Health Serenity House directly.

“We want to thank the community for their overwhelming support of Share the Love,” shared Amanda Doud, Mahaska Health Foundation Director. “This event is only possible because of the care of community members. Every year the event grows, and with that, every year we’re able to support our patients and their families even more.”

The Auxiliary Board would like to extend a sincere thanks to Musco Lighting, MCG, Mahaska Bottling, NoCoast, Mahaska Health, and the Oskaloosa Gardener-Collier Jewelry for their generous contributions to the Serenity House mission.

For more information and to purchase raffle tickets, participate in the online auction, and shop apparel, follow the Mahaska Hospice Auxiliary Facebook Page and visit

Posted by on Jan 30 2025. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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