Dr. Miller-Meeks Statement on Reports of FTC Plan to Sue PBMs over Insulin Prices

WASHINGTON DC — Today, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) plans to sue the nation’s three largest Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) over inflated insulin prices. This report comes after Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, a strong advocate for PBM reform, raised these concerns yesterday in a Energy & Commerce Committee hearing with all five FTC Commissioners.

“I have long called out PBMs for driving up drug prices, reducing patient access, and causing independent pharmacies to close,” said Miller-Meeks. “Following our exchange in Committee yesterday, the FTC is now reportedly taking action against three of the largest PBMs. However, lasting and permanent action to hold PBMs accountable and lower prescription drug prices for patients cannot happen without Congress passing our bipartisan DRUG Act. I will continue to push for the DRUG Act’s passage so that PBMs are no longer taking advantage of a flawed system at the expense of our patients and small pharmacies.

In November 2023, Miller-Meeks introduced the bipartisan Delinking Revenue from Unfair Gouging Act (DRUG) Act, legislation that bans common PBM practices such as: spread pricing and patient steering. The DRUG Act also implements de-linking policies in the commercial insurance market.

Posted by on Jul 10 2024. Filed under Editorial. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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