Jacobs Touts Business Experience

Republican Senate Candidate Mark Jacobs made a campaign stop on Monday in Oskaloosa.

Republican Senate Candidate Mark Jacobs made a campaign stop in Oskaloosa on Monday.

Oskaloosa, Iowa – The race to be Iowas next senator is coming down to the point of thinning the herd, and businessman Mark Jacobs is one of the nearly half dozen Republicans seeking his party’s nomination.

Jacobs addressed a group of 3 potential voters at Smokey Row on Monday at noon.

In a conversation after his event, Jacobs said he’s running because people are concerned that their children will not have the same opportunities they had growing up. “I think it’s a major concern,” said Jacobs.

Jacobs said that with 47 million people on food-stamps, “It’s a clear sign that that opportunity to be successful, to be self-sufficient is not working for a lot of American families.”

Jacobs believes that the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare should be repealed” and start over. My view is people should have access to affordable health insurance.”  Jacobs said he believes the law now in place “does not work” and is causing great harm to Iowa families. “We need to build a model that’s patient centric,” said Jacobs.

Jacobs view on immigration is that it’s broken, “I don’t support the idea of amnesty… We need to secure our borders. We need to hold our employers accountable for making sure the people they employ in their businesses have the legal right to be in this country. ” Jacobs says that the giving employers the tools to check if a worker is in the country legally are needed. “Once that’s done, we need to modernize our immigration process.”

Jacobs is the former CEO of Reliant Energy who says that he has never run for political office before. “What I hear from people all across this state is a yearning for a fresh perspective. People are sick and tired of politics as usual in Washington. I think most people recognize, if we want different results we’re going to have to send a different type of leader to Washington. The same-ol same-ol is likely going to yield the same results  we’re

Turning out the vote during a primary is difficult, with general elections seeing an apathetic voter. Jacobs says that one of the things his campaign is working on “is taking our conservative principles and we make them relevant for broader groups of people.”

The “Great Recession’ may be over for some economists, “I think we’re kidding ourselves if we think it’s over,” Jacobs said. Today 58.8% of American’s are employed. That’s 4 1/2% lower than where we were in 2007. So I think this notion that somehow this great recession has passed. I don’t buy that. There’s a lot of families out here in Iowa that don’t buy that as well.”

“My view is the government doesn’t create jobs, but it does create an environment that makes growth in the private sector or Iowa businesses either easier or more difficult. I don’t think there’s any question that this administration, and Congressman Braily has gone right along with it, has made it more difficult for the economy to grow and the private sector to flourish,” said Jacobs in closing.

Posted by on Apr 22 2014. Filed under Local News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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