Water Board Agenda – February 12, 2018
Regular Meeting
February 12, 2018
4:00 PM
Location: 1208 South 7th St.
1. Approve Agenda.
2. Approve minutes of the January 8, 2018 regular meeting and January 15, 2018 special meeting.
3. Approve invoices and Financial Statements.
4. Customer Forum.
5. Consideration and discussion of high water bill for 404 North Market Street.
6. Public hearing for proposed water rate increase.
7. Introduction of Resolution #1801, Resolution to Increase Water Rates Effective March 1, 2018.
8. Discussion of wastewater operations.
9. General Manager’s Update.
10. Updates from member of the Board of Trustees.
11. Adjourn.
Posted by Press Release
on Feb 10 2018. Filed under Agendas and Minutes.
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