School Board Okays Eight Period School Day

Oskaloosa Community School Administration

Oskaloosa Community School Administration

Oskaloosa, Iowa – Oskaloosa High School currently utilizes a tri-mester system of 7 class periods per day.

Oskaloosa Schools Superintent Russ Reiter said he was recommending a “phase-in”, saying it was important to have the trimester schedule this year, and the following year could be dependent upon how the 8 period day goes for the high school, as to if the school could potentially switch over to a semester system.

Reiter said that school staff believes that going to a 8 period day and semesters in a single year would be difficult, and recommended to Reiter that a phase-in take place.

According to Reiter, the district is facing some difficult financial decisions that could include staff reduction. Reiter said that he would rather see teacher staff reduction happen through attrition verus pink slips in order to reduce costs for the district.

Reiter said that an 8 period day will also help to reduce costs for the district.

There is currently no recommendation from Reiter as to when or if the district will adopt semesters versus trimesters.

Oskaloosa School Board member Carl Drost, who was absent while on vacation, sent an email to Board President Tom Richardson, Vice-President Shelly Herr, and Reiter, highlighting his concerns about the potential move to semesters.

Drost sent along 13 thoughts, but his 11th was most pointed. “I believe the superintendent is taking this opportunity of a new board and the need to save as much money as possible for the budget; with no research proof, go for the change. It’s our childrens future at stake.”

Drost stated in his letter than any change made should be done for the benefit of the students.

The measure passed on a 4 to 2 vote.

Also approved was the upcoming 2016-17 calendar. The calendar is built around a trimester schedule, with Wednesday early-outs. The upcoming calendar year would also have a full week of spring break.

The total hours of the upcoming calendar is 1099, which is 19 hours more than the 1080 hours required by the State of Iowa.

Posted by on Feb 12 2016. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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