Mahaska Health Partnership Shares Tips on Staying Healthy During the Holidays

Mahaska Health Partnership

Mahaska Health Partnership

MAHASKA COUNTY – With the holidays upon us, many people will be travelling and visiting friends and family. Exposure to a wide variety of people is often how viruses quickly spread. Mahaska Health Partnership Family Practice Physician Eric Miller, DO, offers some tips to stay healthy during this busy time of year.

“The germs on your hands are the biggest threat to your health during any time of year,” Dr. Miller explained. “You can pick up a number of germs from any publicly used item, including handrails, a grocery cart, seats on a plane or other mode of public transportation and even door handles and elevator buttons. Make sure to clean your hands with soap or hand sanitizer before eating or touching your face to limit your risk of exposure.”

Taking care of your health is another great way to prevent illness. “Not getting enough sleep, too much stress, eating too many unhealthy snacks and not drinking enough water can weaken your immune system,” Dr. Miller shared. “This is a very busy time of year, but don’t forget to take care of yourself so you can enjoy it!

For those stressed during the holidays, Dr. Miller recommends finding a relaxation technique that works for you. “Many people are wrapping up their year at work, have many gatherings to attend or are simply stressed with the number of activities going on. Whether it’s scheduling a relaxing massage, exercising for 30 minutes or enjoying a book, find something that helps reduce your stress levels.”

Along with managing your stress and diet, regular health check-ups and vaccinations are key to keeping illnesses at bay for you and your loved ones. “If you haven’t gotten your flu vaccine yet, it’s a good idea to get yours before spending time with groups of people,” Dr. Miller urged. “You could expose an infant, elderly person or someone who is unable to get the vaccine to the flu virus before you even knew you were sick. While the flu may be hard on you, it can be life-threatening to those who have compromised immune systems. Talk with your primary care provider about other vaccines that may benefit you and your loved ones this season.”

Finally, Dr. Miller urges caregivers to keep an eye on their children. “There are many risks to youngsters during the holiday season. Toys that are not age appropriate can be a choking hazard, falls and even shared germs through toys put in their mouths can be a risk. Closely monitor your child’s activity at any function to keep everyone safe and enjoying this wonderful time of year.”

Dr. Miller is now accepting new patients on the MHP campus in Oskaloosa. He is available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. For an appointment call 641.672.3360.

Mahaska Health Partnership, located in Oskaloosa, is a non-profit health system accredited by the Joint Commission. It is guided by its mission to provide exceptional customer service and health improvement, linking the science of medicine with the humanity of compassionate care. For more information about how Mahaska Health Partnership is making healthcare personal, look us up on the web:

Posted by on Dec 21 2015. Filed under Lifestyle, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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