Bridging the Gap: A Conversation on Work-Based Learning in High Schools

A diverse group from the State of Iowa, higher education, primary education, employers and students all gathered to discuss work based learning this past week. The discussion was hosted at Oskaloosa High School.

A diverse group from the State of Iowa, higher education, primary education, employers and students all gathered to discuss work based learning this past week. The discussion was hosted at Oskaloosa High School.

Educators, Employers, and Students Discuss the Importance of Real-World Experiences

Oskaloosa, Iowa – September 20th, 2023

In a collaborative effort to enhance work-based learning opportunities for high school students, a discussion took place at Oskaloosa High School, bringing educators, employers, and students together.

The conversation revolved around the significance of real-world experiences in shaping students’ future careers and how schools and businesses can join forces to make these opportunities more accessible and meaningful.

Those individuals in the discussion came from the state level, such as workforce development, and regional educators, such as Indian Hills Community College and William Penn University.

They were joined by teachers, administrators and a sample of students from Oskaloosa High School.

Members of area employers also joined in the discussion. The diversity of perspectives laid the foundation for dialogue about encouraging students to engage in work-based learning beyond traditional classroom settings.

One of the key challenges addressed during the conversation was encouraging students to participate in activities that connect them with employers and occupations of interest. A student participant emphasized the importance of providing information and opportunities for students who might still need to learn their career path. Students need to be aware of the myriad possibilities awaiting them beyond graduation.

Some students who joined work-based learning programs due to friends’ recommendations shared their experiences. They stressed that putting information out there is crucial for attracting students, as many need clarification on their future careers.

One of the educators in the group pointed out that students need exposure to diverse career options early on. Work-based learning goes beyond job shadows; it helps students understand the practical aspects of various professions. Another employer noted that programs like these give students a glimpse into the professional world, broadening their horizons.

The conversation also explored how work-based learning experiences have influenced students’ decisions about their post-high school plans. Some students acknowledged that while their experiences hadn’t drastically changed their career goals, they did gain insight into alternative career paths that they might not have considered otherwise.

Educators in the room discussed their challenges in expanding work-based learning opportunities for students. The group acknowledged the importance of continued support and flexibility in curriculum structures.

It was also discussed that schools should provide opportunities for middle schoolers to explore different career paths and discover their interests.

The conversation also highlighted the need to simplify the process of involving industry experts in the education system and the importance of reevaluating teacher licensure requirements to allow industry professionals to teach without undergoing extensive pedagogy training.

Employers at the meeting offered their insights into work-based learning. A representative from a local employer emphasized the challenge of time constraints when hosting student interns for short durations. She also stressed the importance of making these opportunities meaningful for students.

The conversation concluded with a unanimous call for greater collaboration between educators and employers. Educators emphasized that the future workforce is currently sitting in classrooms, and schools should create opportunities for meaningful interactions with potential employers.

Employers were encouraged to recognize the long-term benefits of investing in students early on. They were urged to build relationships with local schools to foster a skilled and motivated workforce.

Posted by on Sep 20 2023. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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