How Heartless Can We Be

'Little Dog' In The Stephen Memorial Vehicle On His Way To Get Medical Attention

Editors Note: The views and opinions expressed in this editorial are not necessarily the views or opinions of Osky News

Oskaloosa, Iowa – Yesterday, I witnessed one of the cruelest things ever. On our way back from covering a story, the two of us from Osky News witnessed a little terrier type dog get struck by a car. This on its’ own is bad enough, and for most of us our heart breaks when these types of accidents happen.

My question is, how are you to feel when the person driving the car had plenty of room to have moved over to allow the animal to pass safely by? How are you to feel when the person that strikes the animal don’t stop, but is fully aware of what has happened because they are checking their mirror.

Just in case you missed it lady in your rear view mirror, that screaming you heard was in fact from the dog that you just ran over and so callously left laying in the middle of the highway. Neighbors poured out of their homes to find out what all this wild yelping and sound of terrible pain was coming from, to see a poor little dog thrashing itself around in the middle of the road attempting to right itself and escape from danger, only to be nearly missed once again by other passing motorists that were unsure what was going on.

Thankfully, ‘Little Dog’ found his bearings and took off towards the curb and relative safety, all while holding his injured leg in the air, just in case you might actually care now lady.

‘Little Dog’ took off through yards, dazed and confused, wandering for endless blocks while suffering the effects of shock. Finally, with the trauma setting in, ‘Little Dog’ found a porch and stood there looking at the door ready for a smiling face and a gentle touch.

Sadly, there was no one there to help ‘Little Dog’, because of his injury he was unaware of where he even was, and finally, he crumpled to the deck.

With 911 informed and Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter on the way, we stood by, now nearly 40 minutes after being stuck, as ‘Little Dog’ laid there bleeding, and panting from the stress of injury, just in case you wanted to know lady.

The home owner, a William Penn student, came to the front door and informed us that this wasn’t their dog, but was most gracious to allow ‘Little Dog’, who was more than willing to go inside, an opportunity to get out of the sun.

Shortly after that, Stephen Memorial arrived and loaded ‘Little Dog’ into the back of their Suburban in case you wanted to know lady.

You might ask why this would bother me like it did, but these animals touch the lives of their owners in a way that can’t easily be described. My wife lost her long time friend to an incident very similar to this one, and because of the kindness of a passing motorist afterwards, we were able to help end the suffering and confusion that ‘Smokey’ was dealing with. The tears in our family home that night for the loss of our friend were great and many. Animals feel the pain of loss as well. The bond is incredible.

Take for example the loss of an Iowa hero in Petty Officer Jon Tumilson and his dog Hawkeye. During his funeral, his friend Hawkeye laid in grief in front of his masters casket.

My Uncle, who was tragically killed in a tractor accident some years ago, was protected by his loyal canine friend until the very end.

If you do something in life accidentally, take responsibility for it. The owner will be far more understanding and accepting when a person can explain it was an accident. But not attempting to avoid the animal, and then so callously, just looking in your mirror as you leave this animal in agony laying in the road is just wrong in my opinion lady.

But with every tragic and selfish act such as this today, you also see the compassion and generosity of so many more people. It gives me hope that we are not a complete lost cause.

And as far as ‘Little Dog’ goes, he’s been reunited with his family after spending some time with the vet. Let’s hope ‘Little Dog’ don’t sneak away from home again any time soon.

Posted by on Aug 25 2011. Filed under Editorial, News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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