The Iowa Alliance of YMCAs commends Governor Terry Branstad

Oskaloosa YMCA

Oskaloosa, August 24, 2011 – The Iowa Alliance of YMCAs, a cluster of 26 Ys throughout the state of Iowa, today commended Governor Terry Branstad for his recent announcement to launch an initiative to make Iowa the healthiest state in the nation within the next five years.

Over the past several decades, our nation has fallen into a rut of unhealthy lifestyles. The lack of physical activity coupled with unhealthy eating has led to a huge spike in obesity rates, putting individuals at risk of deadly chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

“At the YMCA, we believe that the solution to solving the nation’s lifestyle health crisis begins with prevention on the local level,” says Wally Brown, State Alliance Chair from the Dubuque Community Y. “With the Y having such a large presence in our community we are able to tailor our programs to meet the specific need of Iowans and make living healthy an easier choice. We look forward to partnering with Governor Branstad to make Iowa the healthiest state in the nation by 2016. ”

Examples of projects led by Y coalitions include, developing and introducing Iowans to the Lenihan School Sidewalk Project that makes it easier for children to walk to school, a Bike Trail Extension that links two trails to make a continuous 21-mile trail that provides increased access to biking and walking, and a farm-to-school program that supplies fresh produce to children. The Mahaska County Y has partnered with Mahaska Health Partnership and local businesses on wellness initiatives and plans to increase this work. For more information about the Y’s healthier communities initiative, please contact the Mahaska County YMCA at 641.673.8411.

Posted by on Aug 25 2011. Filed under Clubs and Organizations. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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