Overloaded Electrical Circuits Responsible For Recent Fires

The Oskaloosa Fire Department battled this house fire at 604 North E early Thursday morning, July 7, 2016.

The Oskaloosa Fire Department battled this house fire at 604 North E early Thursday morning, July 7, 2016.

Oskaloosa, Iowa – Structure fires are always big news for a community. When homes or apartment buildings are consumed by flames, people are curious as to the cause.

According to Oskaloosa Fire Chief Mark Neff, some recent fires can trace their cause to origins that can be explained.

Neff said that the recent house fire at 604 North E was due to overloaded electrical circuits, due to the use of 3 window air conditioners. The structure at 604 North E was built in 1902, and featured knob and tube style wiring, which has little to no insulation for the wiring in the home.

The June 16th fire, located at 313 North A, was similar in nature to the one at North E. Neff said that the fire on North A was noticed earlier.

The structure on North A also featured knob and tube wiring that was overloaded by window air conditioning units.

Neff then spoke about the 516 North C fire on May 25th. The fire consumed the unoccupied home, and Neff said that the fire started in the garage area. After speaking with witnesses, Neff said that no suspicious activity took place, and that it appears the fire possibly started from a battery charger for a motorcycle in the garage.

Initial reports at that fire indicated that fireworks may have been in use, but upon investigation, the sounds and flashes were from power lines popping due to short circuiting.

“Once again, it was an accidental fire from an overloaded electrical circuit”, said Neff.

Neff then addressed the 610 North C fires, which were in an abandoned and condemned apartment structure.

“The first fire, we did the investigation. They weren’t very good at it”, said Neff. “They used some oil soaked rags. They didn’t have enough other material in there to sustain the fire. The fire was out upon our arrival”.

Neff explained that the state fire marshal was not called in due to the criteria that is used for them to investigate, such as a claim over a million dollars, or a fatality.

No witnesses came forward with that fire, and without any suspects at the time, the investigation stalled.

A few weeks later, a fire once again broke out at the property, which claimed the structure. Neff said the state fire marshal has joined them in their investigation into that fire which has been determined to be arson.

“If anybody has any information, please contact the Oskaloosa Police Department, or the Oskaloosa Fire Department. We’ll take any information”, says Neff.

Neff said that with the fires that have happened recently, “We have no reason to suspect at all there’s anybody out there starting fires”.

Another fire still under investigation is along South M, in which neighbors called in after spotting a large flame through the windows. Neff said the fire was “set” but don’t believe there is any relationship with the other fire North C.

Neff couldn’t speak to fires in other fire districts, such as several unexplained fires in Rose Hill, and a recent fire in Bussey.

When it comes to the amount of fires, Neff explains that the department has responded to its normal call volume.

“If you have any information, please bring it to us”, says Neff. “Arson is the most difficult thing to try and get pinned down and nailed”.

“Under no circumstances do I feel like we have an arsonist running around”, said Neff.

Posted by on Jul 12 2016. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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