Oskaloosa School Board Candidate – Don Patterson

Stock Photo of Oskaloosa School Administration Office

Oskaloosa, Iowa – The Oskaloosa School Board is holding elections on September 13th 2011 for it’s board. They will be filling Director Districts 1, 3, 4 and 6. Only one race is being challenged, that one being Director District 4 between the incumbent of Donald Patterson and Charlie Comfort.

Don Patterson is an incumbent Oskaloosa School Board member running for re-election in Director District 4. Don was kind enough to take time from his schedule to answer questions, and respond to concerns expressed by our readers in recent months about the school district.

My first question is to find out what motivates you to be on the school board?

I have a strong belief that education is the key to future opportunity for all students, especially when classroom concepts are applied to real world problems. Serving on the school board gives me the chance to help shape these educational opportunities for our students. For example, I remember one of Mr. Mike Striegel’s students saying “Now I know why I need algebra” as he participated in a presentation to the school board. The students had prepared a budget and cash flow projections prior to requesting a loan for operating expenses for a project. Also, watching the Oskaloosa Robotics Teams do well in the First Tech Challenge competition at Iowa City the past two years has been a great experience. Seeing these young people apply the math and science they have learned in the classroom to the design, construction and programming of their robots as well as the professionalism with which they conducted themselves shows how important it is to provide as many different opportunities as we can for our students. As a school board member I will be involved in expanding student learning opportunities in as many areas as possible.

What do you believe your role as a School Board Member is?

The mission statement of the Oskaloosa Community School District is to “Empower all students for success”. The most significant role of the school board is to support student achievement through sound policies and fiscal responsibility. Many policies have a basis in state law so it is important for board members to broaden their knowledge of the laws and regulations and determine their best application in the local district. Likewise, school funding is based on a complicated mix of sources including state aid, local taxes and grants. It is important to learn about the funding process and work to provide the best education possible within the available funding. Many decisions, such as class sizes, are impacted by the funding available.

 How would you address parents that are displeased with fees such as a $25 parking fee and a towel fee when it’s reported that often there is no towel to use.

An important part of being a school board member is to listen to all of our constituents; students, parents, staff and the community. For example, fees are recommended by the school administration and reviewed by the school board. I would encourage parents to make their concerns with a fee or fees known to the school administrators as well as school board members. That way those questions and concerns can be addressed when fees are reviewed. This question is timely as a review of fees is planned for this year so feedback from parents and students is important. Another part of the role of school board members is to know the established processes for problem resolution, listen carefully when concerns are expressed to us and to be able to provide direction to the proper person when problems arise. In most cases problems should first be addressed with the teacher or an administrator. If a problem is not able to be resolved then the issue is referred to the superintendent and finally to the school board. I would recommend parents with concerns about the towel policy start by talking to the class teacher or the building administrators. If the issue is not resolved it can be escalated to the next level and ultimately arrive at the school board if necessary.

Do you believe that the school calendar needs looked at. Do you believe items like early outs on Wednesday’s and spring break need to be reviewed?

A Calendar Committee composed of parents, teachers and administrators reviews the calendar each year and proposes one or more versions of the calendar to the school board for adoption. The Committee typically provides a recommendation based on which calendar has the most support. A variety of calendar options have been tried, i.e. week long spring breaks, two long weekends for spring break, early out on Friday, early out on Mondays, starting school during the state fair and starting school after the state fair to name a few. After years of diligent and thoughtful work by the committees I think it is fair to say that it is likely not possible to arrive at a calendar which will meet everyone’s desires. I would invite anyone with strong thoughts about the calendar to volunteer to serve on the committee and provide constructive input.

The new laptop program, do you believe that the costs of $100 and $200 respectively for repairs are fair for low income families?

First, I think the new program is a great opportunity for the teachers, students and the district. With this opportunity comes responsibility, too. The computers are a significant expense to the district and deserve care on the part of the students and their families. Intentional damage to school property or damage through careless behavior is an issue whether the property is a computer, a facility or a vehicle. The repair fee does not apply to problems covered under the computer warranties and parents are encouraged to review their homeowners/renters insurance to see if coverage is provided. Experience cited by schools already using 1:1 programs indicates that only about three percent of the computers are ever damaged enough for the repair issue to arise. If the experience in Oskaloosa is similar, this will not be a significant issue for students or the school district.

Is it true that a student that is assaulted in school by another student can not defend themselves with also being punished. This could have other impacts to parents and students, such as repairs costs for the ’1 and 1′ laptop.

Situations such as fights are covered by existing school policy. I checked with Superintendent Reiter who indicates that the circumstances of any incident are investigated and handled on a case by case basis within policy guidelines. Again, parents and students not satisfied with an initial decision can refer the matter to the superintendent and ultimately to the school board.

Parents have expressed that their concerns are not being listened to. What steps would you suggest the parents take, and school board members take in order to foster better communication?

Communication is always an important consideration in a district of over two thousand students. The first step I would suggest to any parent is to be as involved as possible. Read information sent home with students, consult the student handbook, attend parent-teacher conferences and take advantage of all opportunities to be involved in the school system. Volunteer in a classroom or participate on a Building Action Team or the District Action Committee. If you have questions or concerns bring them to someone’s attention. I have received many, many phone calls, e-mails and letters over the years and am happy to provide whatever assistance is possible, whether that is a referral to the person who can best answer the question or listening to the concerns and bringing them up in policy discussions. Direct e-mail links to school board members are available from the district website and board member telephone numbers are published in the Oskaloosa Herald in “Who to Contact”. There is always a time for public comment at school board meetings if no other opportunity to voice a concern seems appropriate.

What plans and ideas do you bring to the table to help Oskaloosa Schools continue to improve and grow in the next 4 years?

I think technology is both an opportunity and a challenge to the Oskaloosa schools. I support efforts to effectively use technology to provide expanded opportunities for our students. I also realize that character and interpersonal skills are critical to student success in school and in life. I make it a point to talk to school board members, staff and teachers from other districts whenever possible. I am happy to suggest any ideas which could improve the education of our students.

Now I open it for the candidate to talk about what they want, their goals and desires for the Oskaloosa school system.

Balancing opportunities for students with the funding available is one of the biggest challenges facing schools. I feel the background and experience I have accumulated will allow me to help the Oskaloosa Community School District effectively meet those challenges. I also have the experience of running my own business which gives me an appreciation for the taxpayer perspective on school funding.

Posted by on Aug 26 2011. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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