Oskaloosa Man Allegedly Bites Police Officer

Police car on emergency call

Oskaloosa, Iowa – Timothy Curtis Pace is facing multiple counts in Mahaska County Court in connection with a June 20th incident with Oskaloosa Police.

In a signed affidavit, Oskaloosa Police Officer McClun states: I “came into contact with the defendant inside a camper. The defendant had an active arrest warrant in Mahaska County Iowa. The defendant attempted to run past me. I grabbed the defendant and attempted to place him into custody. The defendant continued to struggle and resist and attempt to flee out the door of the camper. The defendant began to bite me on my right wrist. The defendant was then able to flee from the camper and began running northbound. The defendant ran into a garage and hid under some lumber. The Defendant was given several orders to come out and comply. The defendant refused. The defendant was pulled from the lumber and secured in handcuffs after again resisting and refusing to comply with orders.”

McClun states in the affidavit “As a result of the incident I received abrasions to both knees, and abrasion to my left elbow, knuckles on my left and right hand were bleeding, and abrasion on my right wrist from being bitten, and an injury to my right thumb.”

Pace is facing charges of Interference With Official Acts Causing Bodily Injury and a second charge of Assault On A Police Officer Causing Injury. Both charges are Aggravated Misdemeanor. An Aggravated Misdemeanor is punishable with a maximum of up to 2 years and a fine not to exceed $5,000.

A criminal charge is merely a criminal charge and not an indication of guilt. All suspects should be considered innocent until proven guilty.

Posted by on Jun 27 2011. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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