It’s Time To Enjoy Some Free Time

Oskaloosa, Iowa – There’s usually a quiet time in the news industry, and it falls from Christmas until New Year’s Day.

We’ve learned to take advantage of this time to spend with friends and family, wake up late, catch a movie, and maybe work on some projects you’ve just not had time to do over the past year. It’s a time we’ve come to claim for ourselves from the craziness of the business.

That pause is going to be greatly appreciated after this year of covering and surviving the pandemic. This time has shown us all the best of humanity, where neighbors are helping neighbors.

The pandemic has also shown us the tragic side, with great loss of life, and what loneliness and financial loss are doing to individuals. There are people young and old in abusive relationships that have no way out. There are many problems we will face, but hopefully we will all come out the other side of this pandemic.

I also had a medical episode that helped me learn some valuable lessons. We have two granddaughters that we try to see as often as we can and family and friends nearby that we don’t get to spend time with like we want and need to.

This time helps us do just that, to start the new year with a bit of a charge in our batteries.

Don’t worry; if something significant breaks, we’ll be there to let you know all about it.

The video above is a look over the past ten years of the people behind the scenes at Oskaloosa News, as they’ve witnessed history as it unfolds.

So from all of us that help bring you Oskaloosa News, we want to thank our readers, sponsors, and our volunteers that help bring the news, sports, and more to you, a happy holiday season.

Merry Christmas,

Ginger and Ken Allsup

Posted by on Dec 21 2020. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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