Jennifer Main, Vicki Collette and Josh Buckingham

Jennifer Main, Vicki Collette and Josh Buckingham

Help spread the word. We have a fun and generous group of women in town who have formed the Golden Goose Club.

Jennifer Main and Vicky Collette started this Club in January of 2016, with the hope of creating some community improvements. As President and Secretary they added Jill Brumbaugh from TD&T to be the Treasurer. They got started by asking a few friends if they would like to join, with the intention of each of those friends asking a friend and then each of those asking a friend which would move the group toward reaching their goal of finding 100 members. If you haven’t been asked by a friend to join, please give them a call and ask how you can become a member. To be a member you simply pay $10 annual dues and make a $100 quarterly donation to the club, all of which is tax deductible. When you consider your $410 annual donation is tax deductible, it’s less than a dollar a day. The group holds a quarterly meeting at the public library where members present three community improvement projects and they hold a vote. The project that gets the majority of the votes, gets the funds from the club for that quarter.

The flock has already grown to 72 members. The concept of the group is more than just fundraising. Making these donations is all about feeling good and helping your community. It’s very rewarding to see how one person giving a relatively small amount of money can turn into something BIG. The first quarter’s meeting generated $6,500.00, which got matched by the George Daily Trust, toward the Alley Project. You will be hearing more and more about the Alley in the very near future. The second quarter’s funding generated $6,000.00 to purchase the equipment to have Movies in the Park and still had dollars to carry over for the next quarter. I bet there is a community improvement idea that you could come up with too. The more members we have, the more funds we can generate. It’s that simple. You don’t have to attend the quarterly meetings if you don’t want to. It’s been very rewarding to see these women come together, come up with projects and watch the projects become a reality.

Sound simple enough? Want to be a goose? Call Jennifer Main 515-202-5047 or Vicky Collette 641-295-0955 if you would like more information. You would be joining the following group of women who share the common desire of improving our community. Do you think you would like to part of this generous group? The flock grows one goose at a time …. the next one could easily be you.

Posted by on Jul 7 2016. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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