Birthday Surprise Courtesy Of Osky PD

The Oskaloosa Police Department has been helping young people celebrate birthdays since social distancing started.

Oskaloosa, Iowa – Birthdays are a special time in a young person’s life. Friends, family, food, presents all come together to help make the memories.

During the COVID-19 pandemic social distancing, the Oskaloosa Police Department has decided to help as many young people celebrate those special days.

Oskaloosa Police Chief Benjamin Boeke says that his staff, when available, shows up to the young person’s home, with lights flashing, to help celebrate the occasion.

The program has gained ground with other departments in Iowa and other states.

“It’s about the kids, and we’re trying to help the kids out. It’s worth it,” said Boeke. “We can make a kid’s day because they can’t have their friends over. They can’t have family over. So we can usually pop over, make it a little bit special for them.”

Social distancing is observed during the visit, and the birthday boy or girl gets an opportunity to have their picture taken standing next to a squad car while the officers fill the background.

For the Oskaloosa Police Department, they get to enjoy the smiles on young peoples faces. “How could we not enjoy that?”

Angie Petersen’s son Axle, celebrating his 5th birthday, knew a little about a special visit that was arriving, but he was surprised by all the lights.

Petersen was a bit overwhelmed by the smile her son was wearing after the visit. A big movement of his head up and down indicated Axle was very happy with the visit.

Posted by on Apr 23 2020. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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