Beacon City Council Agenda

Beacon City Hall

Beacon, Iowa – Tuesday, September 4, 2012

7:00 p.m

I. Call to Order

II. General Business

  • A. Review Minutes from August 2, 2012 Meeting
  • B. Treasurer’s Report
  • C. Claims Report
  • D. Sewer Report – Kevin Bork
  • E. Water Reports –
  1.  Shirley Mitrisin
  2. Elwood Hanna
  3. Justin Scholtus
  • F. Hall Rentals
  • G. Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter
  • H. Sheriff’s Report

III. Old Business:

  • A. Culvert on Front St.
  • B. Nuisance Letters
  • C. Laptops for Clerk & Treasurer
  • D. Cement on Grant St.
  • E. Bushey Property
  • F. Abandoned Houses
  • G. Grants (Jamie Robinson)

IV. New Business

  • A. Dave Sedivec/Mahaska County Conservation Board
  • B. MRW Timeline
  • C. Consent Agenda
  • D. Sheridan St. Bids
  • E. Garbage Service for Town Hall Rental
  • F. Stormy Jellis-Dog running loose
  • G. Mediacom-Rate increase

V. Business from the Floor

VI. Next Scheduled Council Meeting: October 2, 2010

VII. Adjournment

Posted by on Sep 2 2012. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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