Rozenboom Announces Re-election Bid

Des Moines – Today, Senator Ken Rozenboom, R-Oskaloosa, announced his decision to run for re-election in Senate District 19. Senator Rozenboom had announced his retirement from the Senate in December following the approval of the redistricting plan that placed Senator Rozenboom and Senator Dickey in the same district. Senator Rozenboom will now move to Senate District 19.

“After discussions with my wife and family, I simply cannot shake the calling to continue my service to the state of Iowa and seek another term in the Iowa Senate. My friend and colleague Adrian Dickey will do an excellent job representing parts of the district I currently represent. I look forward to representing many of my constituents for the next four years in the new district.”

“These several years in the majority have been incredibly successful. The Iowa Senate has defended agriculture, life, and freedom in the Iowa Capitol. I am eager to continue reducing the tax burden on Iowans, controlling government spending, and easing burdensome government regulations.”

A farmer, agri-businessman, and life-long Iowan, Senator Ken Rozenboom was born in Mahaska County, where he still resides. He is a graduate of Pella Christian High School and attended Calvin College in Michigan. After college, he returned home to farm with his father and brother before taking a position in sales and production management for Wake’s Inc., a local agricultural supplier, where he worked for 30 years. He and his brother continue to operate Rosewood Farms, a family farming operation in rural Mahaska County.

Senator Rozenboom is married, and he and his wife, Becky, have two children. Their daughter and son-in-law live in New South Wales, Australia, and have three children. Their son served for several years as a paratrooper in the US Army, including two deployments to Afghanistan, and now lives and works in Des Moines.

Senate District 19 includes all of Jasper County and parts of Marion and Mahaska counties.

Posted by on Feb 16 2022. Filed under Local News, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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