Oskaloosa Water Board Agenda – July 11, 2016


Regular Meeting

July 11, 2016

3:00 PM

Location: 1208 South 7th St.


1. Oath of Office for newly appointed Board member Danny Nance.

2. Approve agenda.

3. Reorganization of the Board of Trustees.

4. Approve minutes of the June 20, 2016 regular meeting.

5. Approve invoices and financial statements.

6. Customer forum.

7. Discussion of wastewater operations.

A. Update on 28E agreement.

8. Consideration and discussion of pay application #1 for DeLong Construction.

9. Consideration and discussion of change order #1 for DeLong Construction.

10. Consideration and discussion of engineering services for K Avenue East and Sheriff Avenue water main replacement.

11. General Manager’s Update.

12. Miscellaneous.

13. Adjourn.

Posted by on Jul 11 2016. Filed under Agendas and Minutes. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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