North Mahaska Roll at Colfax-Mingo

COLFAX – North Mahaska scored early and often and scored multiple times in four of the five innings to rout host Colfax-Mingo 14-4 Monday.

North Mahaska (8-11) tallied a pair of runs in the first inning when Olivia Ridegway singled and Kaylia Shipman singled. Brooklyn Meland ran for Shipman, and both scored on pass balls. The Warhawks added three more in the top of the second inning after Colfax-Mingo scored.

In the top of the second inning after Kylie VanWeelden doubled, Maddie Doonan singled, and Shipman doubled, each scoring one run. NM built a 6-1 advantage after three innings then the eruption began.

Five more North Mahaska runs crossed the plate in the fourth inning to extend the lead to 11-1. An error scored one run, Shipman singled, scoring one run, and Regan Grewe homered to left field, scoring three runs.

Jocelyn Pinkerton picked up the victory from the circle for North Mahaska. She allowed four hits and three runs over 3 1/3 innings, striking out one and walking four.

Grewe closed out the game for NM. The reliever surrendered four hits and one run over 1 2/3, striking out one and walking one.

Brianna Freerksen took the loss for Colfax-Mingo. She yielded seven hits and 11 runs, over three innings, with five walks. Brooklyn Yanske went two innings, allowing three runs on three hits, and walking two. Neither Tigerhawk recorded a strikeout.

Grewe hit a homerun with three RBI and Shipman had two RBI on a single and double. Van Weelden had an RBI on a double and Doonan hit two singles with an RBI.

Next up for North Mahaska is a game against Pella Christian on Tuesday. They are scheduled to host Pekin on Wednesday and Moravia on Friday.

Posted by on Jun 26 2024. Filed under School Activities. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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