Mahaska Health Hosts Successful Men’s Health Event and Tractor Ride

Health screenings were a major part of Mahaska Health Men’s Health and Tractor Ride on Saturday.

Health screenings were a major part of Mahaska Health Men’s Health and Tractor Ride on Saturday.

Oskaloosa, IA — This past Saturday, Mahaska Health held its annual Men’s Health Event, attracting a crowd of community members who enjoyed a time filled with health screenings, education, and a nostalgic tractor ride. The event, designed to encourage preventative health measures among men, was highlighted by the presence of vintage tractors and a communal spirit reminiscent of local agricultural traditions.

Event Highlights and Health Screenings

Dr. Eric Miller, a prominent figure in the Men’s Health Program at Mahaska Health, emphasized the importance of preventative care. “We’ve been trying to get men out to get screened for their blood pressure, cholesterol, and PSA levels because many don’t see a doctor until something is wrong,” said Dr. Miller. The event featured a variety of screenings, including blood pressure, sleep apnea, cholesterol, and PSA checks, aimed at promoting early detection and ongoing health maintenance​.

Nostalgia and Community Connection

One of the unique aspects of the event was the integration of a tractor ride, which resonated deeply with attendees who have agricultural backgrounds. Dr. Miller, who grew up on a farm, brought his grandfather’s Super 77 tractor, underscoring the sentimental value these machines hold. The tractor ride route included stops at nursing homes, allowing residents to reminisce as they watched the procession of vintage tractors​.

Leadership and Personal Stories

Kevin DeRonde, CEO of Mahaska Health, shared his connection to the farming community and the significance of the event. “It’s special to see these farmers coming out, getting their health checked, and enjoying the day,” said DeRonde. He attended the event with his father, a four-time cancer survivor, and highlighted the sense of continuity and memory tied to their family’s farming equipment.

DeRonde’s sentiments were echoed throughout the day as participants engaged in health screenings, enjoyed the tractor ride, and later, a Cattlemen’s lunch. “When you can get a farmer on a tractor and offer a Cattlemen’s lunch, they’ll come and get screened for healthcare,” he noted, emphasizing the effectiveness of the event in attracting men who might otherwise neglect their health​.

Community Support and Acknowledgements

The event was made possible through the efforts of Mahaska Health’s medical staff and the support of the Cattlemen’s Association. DeRonde extended his gratitude to everyone involved, highlighting the collaborative effort that ensured the event’s success. “I want to thank our medical staff and our whole team for putting this together, and a special thank you to the Cattlemen’s Association,” he said​.

This year’s Men’s Health Event not only provided essential health services but also fostered a sense of community and nostalgia, reinforcing the importance of preventative care in a setting that honors local agricultural heritage.

Posted by on Jun 24 2024. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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