Living on Less – Sweating the Small Stuff

In order to live on one income, you can’t continue spending like you still have two incomes. Okay, everyone knows this; however some people don’t embrace it and find themselves in financial trouble. Expenses have to be cut when income decreases. It is just a fact.

I have embraced the phrase of “Sweating the Small Stuff.” Yes small cutbacks on expenses can add up to big savings over time. However, it is getting into the mind set of knowing that those small savings on nickels, dimes and dollars really adds up. We may think that it is not worth the trouble if it is only going to save a dollar right now, but over time, perhaps annually, it could lead to bigger savings.

Look at the big picture. That $5.00 a week saved by using coupons or buying store brands adds up to $260.00 annually. If someone said to you “I can guarantee you $260.00 in savings,” you would listen.  Yes, sweating the small stuff adds up to big savings annually. Here is what I have done on a small scale to save a big chunk of money in our budget.

Netflix – We reduced our membership to one at a time, unlimited. We are still able to get a good movie on d.v.d. and we now make a conscientious effort to view movies or documentaries on line. Savings – $5.00 per month; $60 per year.

Haircuts for my husband and son – I have learned to cut their hair. The cost of the clippers paid for themselves after 2 haircuts. Savings – $30.00 per month; $360.00 per year.

Laundry Soap – I make my own. Savings – $5.36 per month; $64.32 per year.

My Haircuts – I used to get my hair cut every 4 weeks and now I get my hair cut every 6 to 7 weeks. Savings – $8.00 per month; $96.00 per year

My Eyebrows – I would have my eyebrows waxed at the salon when it was time for a haircut. I now do it myself. Savings – $10.00 per month; $120.00 per year.

My Hair care Products – I used to buy my shampoo, conditioner, root lifter, etc. at the salon. I have found products such as Pantene and Suave that work just as well or better. Also, I add to the savings by using coupons for these products. Savings – $10.00 per month; $120.00 per year.

Pet Savings – We have a black lab and we use a lot of dog cookies over the course of a month. I now make my own using whole wheat flour, saved fat from meat, broth from cooking down bones and such. (As a side note, we only buy Iams dog food for our dog and our cat is on vet food. We will not skimp on their main food source.) Savings – $8.00 per month; $96.00 per year.

Magazine Subscriptions: When it has come time to renew some of my subscriptions, I have elected to let them go. I have found that even though I am home I still don’t have the time to sit down and read them. A lot of the “women” magazines repeat the same topics or articles and I can look at these online.  Savings – $5.00 per month; $60.00 per year

Telephone – We dropped our land line and use our cell phones only.  Savings – $12.00 per month; $144.00 per year

Savings from above: $93.36 per month; $1,120.32 per year

Grocery Savings – By cooking and baking from scratch (I bake my own breads, noodles and so on), through the use of coupons and stockpiling sale items, I have reduced my grocery bill from $500 per month for the 3 of us to $300 per month. Savings – $200 per month; $2,400 annually.

Total saved with Grocery Savings Added – $293.36 per month; $3,520.32 per year

The small stuff adds up.  Don’t get discouraged by thinking that it is useless as you can only save a small amount of money at a time. Get a jar and put the savings in that jar and watch it grow. Get yourself in the mindset of saving and finding ways to cut back.

I used to give up and say what is the use if I can only save $5.00 a week by cutting back on something. Now I see the big picture of looking at all the small stuff and seeing how it adds up into big savings.

What small stuff do you sweat that translates into big savings over time?

Posted by on Oct 4 2010. Filed under Lifestyle. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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