Letter To The Editor: I Write About An Airport

Osky News

Osky News

Editors Note: The views and opinions expressed in this editorial are not necessarily the views or opinions of Osky News.

I address this letter to every current and future taxpaying citizen of Mahaska County and the cities of Oskaloosa and Pella. I write about an airport; or perhaps I should say, three airports. Two that currently exist but may not in the future and one that doesn’t exist now but someday might.

Since I don’t live in the aforementioned locations the debt of this folly will not be borne by me, at least not to the same extent as it will to those of you to whom I referred. None the less, I will have my opportunity to contribute to this temple of misguided logic. I own an airplane and currently base it at the Oskaloosa Airport. Naturally; one would think that as a pilot, I would welcome the new facility and normally that would be the case. However there are reasons that cause me to reject this proposal and argue in its opposition.

As a pilot I am a huge proponent of anything that will benefit General Aviation. However, in this case, my concern is the harm that this will cause to General Aviation and Aviation in the State of Iowa due to the closure of two functioning airports. One new airport does not negate the loss of two existing ones. Let me repeat; these are EXISTING airports, already here, paid for and in operation. In the case of the Oskaloosa airport, it has the advantage of being one of the very few airports in the nation that is totally self-sufficient because the property that was deeded to it by the Federal Government includes a large section of farm land, the revenue from which pays all of the operating costs above those generated from the airport itself. That means that not one cent of taxpayer money from the residents of Mahaska County or the City of Oskaloosa goes to support the daily operation of this facility. This will most certainly not be the case with a new airport.

Not only is the present airport an economic plus to the area but it is also a very fine facility. Not one that is ready to be abandoned. There are things that need improving at the airport to be sure, but those items could be done at a small fraction of the cost of an entirely new airfield.

So here are my primary objections and they are my opinions only, I suggest that you do your own research and see if you do not agree.

  1. A new airport is just not needed.
  2. A huge financial burden will be placed on the local taxpayers and airport users. The 90% that the FAA will pay that you hear about is not guaranteed to be at that level and furthermore, it is only for the runways, navigation aids and supporting aircraft operations areas; e.g. taxiways. It does not contribute to the land acquisition, buildings, utilities or other infrastructure. The monies anticipated from the sale of the existing airports will not be adequate to come close to paying for the rest. Who do you think will get to pay the overage?
  3. Existing airports will be closed thereby limiting options for people who use these facilities.
  4. Valuable farmland (Iowa’s main resource) will be lost.
  5. This is being done without public consideration.

Please educate yourselves about this issue. It will impact each and every one of you at some level. You need to see how your elected officials are attempting to force an issue that is ill conceived and lacking the approval of the electorate.

Tell your Government representatives, at all levels that this issue needs to be debated before the public and then, if you still have a Government of sincere representatives, tell them that you want a vote on this important matter.

With voter approval, most people would and all should, abide by the decision made by the electorate; as for myself, I would do all I could to support and promote the new airport.

With voter denial the issue should be put to rest indefinitely and the focus returned to making the existing airports serve all the people to the extent that they are needed.

“Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.”



Larry E. Homan

Sigourney, IA

Posted by on May 23 2013. Filed under Editorial. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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