International Altrusa Club of Oskaloosa Dedicates Little Free Library

The International Altrusa Club of Oskaloosa held a dedication ceremony for a new Little Free Library on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The event took place at the Edmundson Park Playground and was aimed at promoting literacy within the community.

The International Altrusa Club of Oskaloosa held a dedication ceremony for a new Little Free Library on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The event took place at the Edmundson Park Playground and was aimed at promoting literacy within the community.

The International Altrusa Club of Oskaloosa held a dedication ceremony for a new Little Free Library on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The event took place at the Edmundson Park Playground and was aimed at promoting literacy within the community.

The Altrusa International Club is a global non-profit organization dedicated to community service and literacy. Founded in 1917, Altrusa has a long history of engaging in projects that improve economic well-being and quality of life through various community services and literacy initiatives. The organization boasts a diverse membership of individuals from various backgrounds, all united by a commitment to community betterment.

The Little Free Library initiative started in 2009, is a grassroots movement that aims to build community, inspire readers, and expand book access for all. These small, free-standing book exchanges operate on a “take a book, return a book” policy and are found worldwide.

At the ceremony, the new Little Free Library was officially registered with the Little Free Library Organization, and the Altrusa Club will serve as its steward. This addition marks the fifth Little Free Library in the community, focusing on providing reading material for both children and adults. The Altrusa Club hopes this initiative will foster a sense of community and encourage a love of reading among Oskaloosa residents.

“It is our hope that the “take a book, return a book” concept will enhance a sense of community and encourage a love of reading,” said the Altrusa Club in their press release of the new Little Free Library.

With the introduction of this Little Free Library, the Altrusa Club continues its tradition of promoting literacy and community engagement, reinforcing its commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of Oskaloosa families and children.

Posted by on Jun 30 2024. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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