BBQ for Badges: A Community Celebration and Support for First Responders

The Oskaloosa Police Department took home the hardware in the 'Joes' Division at the 2024 BBQ4Badges.

The Oskaloosa Police Department took home the hardware in the ‘Joes’ Division at the 2024 BBQ4Badges.

A Successful Weekend for BBQ Enthusiasts and First Responders

The “BBQ 4 Badges” event, held this past weekend, marked one of its most successful editions yet, thanks to favorable weather, a record number of participating teams, and strong community support. The event, which spans two days, has grown in both size and impact over the years, with this year’s festivities drawing significant crowds on both Friday and Saturday.

Wyndell Campbell, one of the event organizers, reflected on the success, stating, “We had a great crowd on Friday night that was able to come and enjoy live music and some of the samples from the teams, and then a great turnout on Saturday for the event.”

Record Participation and Community Engagement

This year saw the highest number of participating teams to date, with 32 teams, 31 of which competed. This expansion was carefully managed to ensure that all attendees could enjoy the food without shortages. Campbell noted, “We’ve had years where we’ve sold out of food very quickly. This year, I think we figured out the right number of teams and the amount of food needed to ensure everyone could partake.”

The event’s format, which now includes a partnership with the local Chamber of Commerce and Main Street organization, has successfully turned it into a two-day affair. Friday evening featured Friday After Five, and all its festivities, and food samples from the teams, setting a tone that carried into Saturday’s main event.

Supporting First Responders with Targeted Funds

A unique aspect of BBQ 4 Badges is its focus on supporting local first responders. Initially, funds were distributed evenly across departments. However, the approach has evolved to allow for more targeted use of funds. This change enables the organization to support specific needs and projects, making it easier to demonstrate the impact of donations to sponsors and the community.

“We helped Rocky, the K9 with Oskaloosa PD, with his training and certification. We assisted the fire department in purchasing a water rescue unit and outfitting it with necessary equipment. Currently, we’re aiding the police department in acquiring a search and rescue drone,” Campbell explained. This model has also allowed for support beyond Mahaska County, assisting first responder families in neighboring counties during times of loss.

Looking Ahead to Next Year

The eighth annual BBQ for Badges is already being planned, with dates tentatively set for June 20-21, 2025. The event, traditionally held on Father’s Day weekend, is being adjusted next year to avoid a conflict with another local event, Art on the Square.

Campbell expressed gratitude for the ongoing support from sponsors and the community, highlighting the contributions of Kraig Ford, Mahaska Health, and Community First Credit Union as title sponsors, along with numerous local businesses.

BBQ for Badges continues to be a cornerstone event for Oskaloosa, bringing together the community to celebrate and support their local first responders. With its growing success and impact, the event not only provides a weekend of enjoyment but also ensures that the brave men and women who protect the community receive the resources and recognition they deserve.

Posted by on Jun 24 2024. Filed under Local News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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