7th Grade Girls End Season

Oskaloosa 7th Grade team 2018

Oskaloosa 7th Grade team 2018

The 7th grade Oskaloosa Girls Basketball team concluded their season on December 18 against Norwalk. From the first day of practice, the girls started developing an understanding of the hard work it takes to be successful in basketball. The young Indians all improved in their skills, understanding of the game of basketball, having a positive attitude, and giving consistent effort. The girls competed in many games and played their best basketball at the end of the season. The A team was able to go 6-6 including a 4 game winning streak toward the end of the season. The girls’ wins came against Pella Christian, Oskaloosa Christian, Newton, and Knoxville.

Pictured: Front (L-R): Kassie Johnson, Lilly Heckenberg, Kylie Teeter, Chloe Harbour, Evelyn Adam, Marley Fowler, Bailee Smith. Middle Row: Coach Cory Sheeley, Addie McKain, Madi Andrews, Maci Huebschen, Lily Bonnett, Grace Glover, Olyvia Swanson, Kenzi Meyers, Coach Steve Kaisand. Back Row: Ellie Voss, Lydia Van Veldhuizen, Kaleigh Braden, Hayley Van Arkel, Asia Thompson, Kelsey Alderson, Sarafina Gituma, Amelia Bowen, Taylor Six, Mia Shilling

Posted by on Dec 20 2018. Filed under School Activities. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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